
Go Small

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Limited, Small and Excepted, I always encourage anyone who will listen, to take one of these exceptions when shipping hazardous materials or waste. Any time you can be “excepted” from the use of hazmat shipping papers, labels, marks, placards, emergency response information, DOT/UN containers, the 4 levels of training and the employee testing requirements, “Do it!”

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Limited Quantities would be the first one for my clients who don’t like to fill out hazmat shipping papers, (i.e., no hazardous material endorsement signatures), which are assigned in column 8(A) of the 49 CFR Department of Transportation 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table. No UN/DOT containers, labels, vehicle placards or emergency response information and the best part no hazmat shipping papers, only manifests for waste.

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Shippers and waste generators must display the “Limited Quantity Mark” on each package and train and test to all 4 levels under Part 172.700, but considering the lack of full regulatory compliance, the training documentation would be the biggest part of your regulatory responsibilities.

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The shipping names “Acetone”, “Paint” and “Flammable Liquid N.O.S.”, all display the 173.150 exception in the Hazardous Materials Table. This would authorize Limited quantity ground containers of up to 30 kilograms each in combination non spec containers with up to 1 liter inner receptacles with just the limited quantity mark and the training requirements for these flammable liquids when in packaging group II. And for products like Flammable Paint or even Waste Paint it could up the inner packaging to 1 gallon because of the 172.102 Special provision 149 in column 7 of the Hazmat table.

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There is even a provision in 173.25(b) to use shrinkwrap as the outer packaging, which can be a game changer when disposing of small containers of hazardous waste. This would be my preference instead of using the Section 173.12 Lab packs in certain cases.


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Small quantities are next on my list which would exempt you from all the Department of Transportation Hazardous Material Regulations, if you mark the lightly tested containers (up to 30 kilograms each) with the statement “This package conforms to 49 CFR 173.4 for domestic highway or rail transport only.” 

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However, the maximum quantity of material per inner receptacle or article is limited to Thirty (30) mL (1 ounce) for liquids and gases, Thirty (30) g (1 ounce) for solid materials.


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Excepted quantities would be last, but not least, on my list because of the benefits of this exception in the air mode (no shippers declaration). Of course, the total inner container amounts would be the smallest yet, with outer packaging aggregate quantity limits up to 1 kg (2.2 pounds) for solids or 1 L (0.2 gallons) for liquids and for Division 2.2 material, up to 1 L (61 cubic inches) or less. 

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And with a maximum quantity for inner receptacles of up to 30 g (1 ounce) or 30 mL (1 ounce) for solids or liquids and for gases a water capacity of 30 mL (1.8 cubic inches) or less , and only minimal non UN packaging testing requirements when the combination containers display the “Excepted Quantity Mark” bearing the hazard class number and the name of the shipper or consignee if not shown elsewhere on the package.

You should really try to take these exceptions whenever you can, or give us a call and we can do it together.

Robert J Keegan
Publisher and President
Hazardous Materials Publishing Company




(Click link) 

Don’t worry, I'm sure that the 49 CFR Department of Transportation’s (DOT) major changes including the two increases in fines and penalties in the last year, for hazardous material and waste shippers, carriers, generators and transporters, don’t apply to you. 

They are just trying to scare you into meeting their new regulations. DOT won’t actually be checking any shipping papers, waste manifests, containers or your training records for compliance. I think all the inspectors are still at home.

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 49 CFR Revisions To Civil Penalty Amounts

Who has the time to meet all those pesky requirements anyway. Certainly not you, you're busy, and have better things to do than be concerned about the hazardous materials and waste transportation regulations. I mean have you seen all the great new movies and streaming episodes on Netflix and Prime lately like “Lupin”, “The Queen’s Gambit” and “Stranger”.

Intent, is enough, once inspectors see you are intending to comply, that should be enough to send them on their way. Ok, if your containers leak, or your truck, train or plane is involved in an accident, fire or explosion, you might be subject to some scrutiny. However, I don’t really believe DOT, EPA or even OSHA are into compliance right now. 

DOT 49 CFR Adoption of Miscellaneous Regulatory Petitions, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration  

It is not like they really expect you to have a copy of the latest hazardous material, waste and worker protection regulations  or current training certifications , when the supply of toilet paper is so low. There are thousands of hazardous material and waste shippers and carriers, you have a better chance of winning the Power ball than being caught in violation.

And if you believe that,

“I have a bridge, I would like to sell you” 

Be safe!

Robert J Keegan

Publisher and President 

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Hazardous Materials Publishing Company

Transportation Skills Programs Inc



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Here are some questions recently received from an awesome seminar attendee!

Are there DOT Hazardous Material Regulation (HMR) exceptions when shipping lithium cells or batteries?

The Department of Transportation (DOT), provides exceptions for smaller cells and lithium batteries in 49 CFR, paragraph 173.185(c),  based on the number of cells or batteries in each outside packaging and the “Wh hours” listed on ion rechargeable and the “amount of lithium” contained in each metal cell or battery. This paragraph can except shippers from hazardous material shipping papers, marks, hazard class labels, emergency response information and UN/DOT specification packaging requirements. 

Note: In 173.185(d), when larger cells or batteries are shipped for disposal or recycling, DOT provides relief from UN/DOT specification container requirements, but not the hazard communication requirements in Subpart C through subpart H of part 172.

How do you select DOT approved proper shipping names and containers when offering lithium cells or batteries?

When shipping lithium cells, batteries or any other hazardous material, proper shipping names are found in column 2 and packaging instructions in column number 7 and 8 of the 172.101 Hazardous Materials Table in the HMR. In the case of packaging both columns of the table must be referenced, for example, column number 8 of the HMT, could recommend packaging that column number 7 could restrict and vice versa.

How often does DOT container closure training have to be carried out when shipping lithium cells or batteries ?

All UN/DOT specification containers have closure requirements per manufacturer instructions. Specification hazardous material containers must pass drop, stacking, vibration and leak proof testing. All closure notifications and instructions per 173.22(4)(ii), must be maintained for at least 90 days after a container is closed for shipment. And re-training would be required every three years unless the container or it's instructions changed. (see; Rob’s Blog “Closure Requiremets”)

Are placards required when cells or lithium batteries are being transported?

Paragraph 172.504(f), provides exceptions from placarding, in subparagraph (9), for shippers and carriers from offering or displaying the Class 9 placard. However there is no exception for displaying the UN identification number on packaging or transport units when shipping Class 9 in bulk containers.

Can we ship ion and metal lithium cells and batteries in the same outside packaging?

Rechargeable Ion and non-rechargeable metal cell and lithium battery packaging authorizations are found in 173.185, as specified in column 8 of the 172.101 HMT, and are authorized to be shipped in the same outside packaging in certain cases. As long as the inner packaging requirements and the Special Provisions in column 7 of the HMT, are also met.

Are “RQ” requirements applicable when shipping lithium cells and batteries?

Lithium chromate is the only lithium listed in Appendix A to the172.10 HMT, the List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities, in which Lithium chromate, lists a “RQ” value of 10 pounds, for each package when shipped. A quick scan of a few OSHA safety data sheets, seems to reveal that lithium chromate is not a major or even a common component in most cells or batteries. However, it is always the shipper’s responsibility to decide if RQ values are met.


 Are you shipping batteries or cells?

Can you get a copy of the OSHA Safety Data Sheet?

Are the cells or batteries being shipped “individually” or are they shipped “with” or contained “in” equipment?

What is the Watt hour range on the lithium ion cell or battery?

What is the lithium content in the metal lithium cell or battery?

What is the gross weight of each cell or battery?

Are you shipping lithium cells or batteries for disposal or recycling?

Can you ship your smaller lithium cells or batteries using the 173.185(c) hazard communication and packaging exemptions?

Are you shipping by air, ground or both?

Are they being shipped in overpacks? 

If they are being re-shipped can you get a copy of the original hazardous material shipping paper and a photo of any of the inner and outer container with the markings that were used?

I love conducting my seminars, but your questions help me truly understand the regulations, provide me with examples and usually make me look more impressive in my next session. Thank you.

Be safe!

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Robert J. Keegan 

Publisher and President 

Hazardous Materials Publishing Company

Transportation Skills Programs Inc




Simple questions, difficult answers about hazardous material, the seminar and me.

DOT, EPA, OSHA, IATA and IMDG, what is the difference and what is required by each?  

 CFR 49 The Department of Transportation, regulates chemicals in trucks, trains, ships and airplanes, they have hazard material identification, hazard communication and container requirements.

CFR 40 The Environmental Protection Agency, protects the environment. They regulate chemicals as hazardous waste when you no longer want them, you spill them or dispose of them. 

CFR 29 The Occupational Health and Safety Administration, regulates chemicals, in addition to those listed above to protect workers, regardless of whether that chemical is in use, transportation or being disposed of.  

The International Air Transport Association, is an association of airlines that requires you to train on additional ICAO International Dangerous Goods Recommendations. 


The International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code is written by a branch of the United Nations, again these are additional recommendations, that you agreed to meet with the vessel transportation companies, when you use their services. 

IATA and IMDG training is part of your contractual agreements with the aircraft and vessel carriers.

How do you know if something is hazardous?

(Inside the front cover of the Hazardous Materials Substance and Waste Compliance Guide on the first page you will find “How to use the 2019/20 Hazardous Materials, Substances and Wastes Compliance Guide”)

DOT in 49 CFR 171.8, regulates hazardous materials hazardous wastes, marine pollutants, elevated temperature materials and hazardous substances and can be found on the second and third page of your book, in addition to pages 89 and page 1965.

EPA in 40 CFR 261.3, 302.4 and 355, regulates hazardous waste and hazardous substances and can be found on the third and fourth page of your book, in addition to pages 1244, 1640 and 1967 respectively.

OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.120(a) and 1910.1200, regulates hazardous substances and hazardous chemicals, and can be found on the fourth and fifth page of your book in addition to pages 1815 though 1864 and 1969.

Be aware that none of these words share the same definition under these three federal agencies.

What information does DOT require on a hazardous material bill of lading and EPA hazardous waste manifest?

DOT 49 CFR 172.200, Shipping Papers details the information or “shipping description” required by the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Transportation Safety Administration on hazardous material shipping papers, bills of lading and hazardous waste manifests. You will find this in your compliance guide on pages 386 to 391 and in the checklist on page 1961 to 1962.

What has recently changed and how does it apply to us?

On May 15, 2020 HM-215O DOT published hundreds of changes in the federal register aligning their regulations with UN recommendations. Government regulations change constantly in the Federal Register and it's the responsibility of the company to check them every day, which we make clear in the seminar. We even provide a Federal Register Reprint Service on our website, free of charge. But again, very few companies know about this or make this required effort. 

The Federal Register contains both proposed and final rules, with preambles containing hundreds of pages of explanation and interpretations. It includes additional compliance information, at least one contact person at the agency and best of all it’s written in layman‘s terms. Monitoring, understanding, training and implementing regulatory changes can be a full-time job.

How does EPA and OSHA apply to DOT and us?  

The EPA regulates your unclaimed, unwanted, spilled or discarded chemicals. These hazardous wastes are always regulated as hazardous materials under DOT. So, it is covered in the Hazardous Material, Substances and Waste Compliance Seminar. There is no way to get around it, unless you requested that it be eliminated from the training material and certifications for your in-house seminar.

OSHA protects workers with SDS’s and container labels. Most shippers simply copy the information off the SDS when they ship a package. Unfortunately the Department of Transportation does not recommend SDS’s to be used for identifying shipments of hazardous materials. 

DOT requires hazardous material shippers to quantify the chemical’s hazards on shipping documents, which could include testing, However, OSHA’s Safety Data Sheets, or a SDS hazard information may be estimated, so SDS’s are not authorized by DOT, for use when identifying hazardous material shipments. EPA hazardous wastes become DOT hazardous materials when you ship them, so we cover hazardous waste even in our “Strictly DOT Hazardous Material Seminar”.

All DOT hazardous materials and EPA hazardous wastes are OSHA hazardous substances. regardless of whether they are being used, transported or disposed, mandating additional worker protection training under OSHA.

What do I need to be aware of when checking documents?

In the Hazardous Materials, Substances and Wastes Compliance Guide you will find over 50 pages of checklists, diagrams and additional compliance material which are listed in the “TABLE OF CONTENTS” . 


There is currently a checklist for shipments of DOT hazardous materials in your compliance guide on page 1961 to 1964.


In Appendix A, to Part 262 there is a checklist of the information that is required on a EPA hazardous waste manifest, it can be found on Pages 1307 through 1308.


OSHA Safety Data Sheet and container labels examples and a checklist are found on pages 1925 though 1928, Appendix D on page 1929.

SDS – what is it used for and what do you do with it?

A safety data sheet or SDS is required by OSHA to be sent with the first shipment of a chemical, whether it is a hazardous material or not. They contain worker protection information. However, there is no requirement to test a material, when a manufacturer, distributor or importer fills it out.  The SDS’s, in many cases over identified hazards, to protect workers. Also, It is only based on the original shipment from the manufacturer or distributor based on the size and the amount in the container.

 Therefore unless you were using the exact same container, in the exact same amounts and the material was not a mixture or solution the information listed on the SDS would not be correct. That is the reason I do not recommend the use of them during the seminar for shipping hazardous materials. Many cannot be trusted, and the shipper can be fined when the information is wrong.

Who needs to be trained and certified?

There are no job titles, it could be anyone from management to maintenance.

You need to tell those who are allowed and most importantly those who are not qualified to do the job, whether they have been trained on the regulations or not.


Under the Department of Transportation any employee, who carries out any of the following functions must be trained, tested and certified. Determines a hazard class. Selects, Fills, Secures, Marks, Labels or Prepares a hazardous material packaging. Provides or Affixes a placard. Certifies, Loads, Unloads, Segregates, Prepares or is responsible for hazardous materials safety.


The Environmental Protection Agency requires any workers having responsibilities within the corporation's HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN be trained including Identification, Documentation, Storage, Shipping and Disposal of hazardous waste.


The Occupational Health and Safety Administration requires any workers who could come in contact with hazardous chemicals be trained to the First Responder Awareness Level and on the company’s WORKER PROTECTION HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM’S Safety Data Sheet, (SDS), and container Labels, regardless of whether they are in your plant, in a truck or being discarded.

How long is the training certification good for?

DOT, as long as there are no changes in the regulations that affect your company, there is a three-year training and testing requirement.

EPA has hazardous waste management training requirements for small quantity generators (SQG). And annual training requirement  for large quantity generators (LQG).

OSHA, then has a First Responder Awareness training requirement, for individuals who may come in contact with hazardous materials, wastes and chemicals,  requiring training each year.

Then, of course immediate training would be required by the employer if any regulatory changes became applicable or if there were a change in the employee's job function.

What is the pace and information flow of your seminars?

We cover regulations that you have contracted us to, in the time frame you have requested. Regulations are written for enforcement, not compliance. 

 However, our one day Hazardous Material, Substances and Waste Compliance Seminar is designed to certify attendees on how to cross reference three separate federal chemical regulations, DOT for shipping, EPA for disposal and finally OSHA regulations for worker protection. You can't Google that. It is fast and furious.

So many companies opt for an in-house seminar, provide their haz-mat plan and the chemicals, products, SDS’s, shipping papers, bills of lading concerning the materials that they want covered or omitted, who is attending and the jobs they have or that they will be given. Reducing information presented and some cross referencing overload. 

We would love the opportunity to spend more time on the regulation. But, there is nothing that we would add or choose to leave out based on the certifications in our one day DOT, EPA, OSHA seminar.


― Primo Lev

Can I ask questions during your seminar?

Yes! We encourage questions before, during and after the seminar, which unfortunately sometimes we failed to make clear. 

So at the first break, lunch and at the end of the seminar I am always the last person to leave the meeting room or to “log off”, so that any “questions, comments or concerns” can be addressed. In addition, I always make sure that each attendee receives my personal cell phone number, (610-587-3978) and email (hazmat.tsp@gmail.com), to contact us for free guidance and further direction . 

Is your DOT EPA OSHA seminar focused on the recertification of attendees, or those with no prior exposure to handling hazardous materials?

No one should attend the seminar without some prior experience or exposure to your written HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN. New attendees should review HOW TO USE THE HAZARDOUS MATERIAL  REGULATIONS and “THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS GENERAL AWARENESS AND FAMILIARIZATION TRAINING MANUAL including the EPA’s LEARN THE BASICS OF EPA HAZARDOUS WASTE  and OSHA’s FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS UNDER OSHA 1910.120 HAZWOPPER pre-training material, if applicable, that is available on our website in Rob’s Office. 

Training a person on their job, is not the same as training them on regulations that affect the jobs you have given them. Every company should have a HAZARDOUS MATERIAL TRANSPORTATION PLAN, many don’t.

Is there a basic 101 powerpoint presentation regarding Hazardous material or something that the guy off the street can relate to and follow?

We do not have a basic hazardous materials transportation PowerPoint presentation, but a quick search of the DOT website  or the Internet will provide hundreds. They can be used in addition to your training, but they do not meet any of the DOT requirements other than the General Awareness Training, not the In-depth training requirements.


I hope my answers were as good as the questions, If not or you have any more let me know.

Be Safe!

Robert J Keegan

Publisher and President 

Hazardous Materials Publishing Company

Transportation Skills Programs Inc.





I can’t spell, flunked algebra and find it very hard to pay attention, which is the reason for the first two. But…… “what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired  over a very long career, skills that make me a nightmare for people like you”.

 I am a Dangerous Goods Specialist. 

Download the book;



Algebra, calculus and trigonometry. No! I am not even sure what they mean, let alone how to use them. But I can count, which is critical when searching and referencing numerical Titles, Chapters, Parts and Sections. 

TITLE 49; 




PART 171; 


SECTION; 172.101 


Federal regulations start, not alphabetically, but numerically. They are not dictionaries. You will not find “empty” containers under a giant letter “E”, or “training”, under a “T” and so on. You look up numbers.

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Second and third, I have cobbled together a basic understanding of alphabetical sequencing and quite unremarkably, as I’ve been told, is the fact that I am able to clearly distinguish the difference between uppercase and lowercase letters, which you will find imperative when distinguishing between Subpart “A” from Paragraph (a). 


Then because. the Subtitles, Subchapters and Subparts are in alphabetical order, it’s not that important that you know how to spell, as much as you know the order of the alphabet. A, B, C, D, E and so on. Also, regulatory paragraphs are not composed strictly of one group of sentences like in English Lit, they can include subparagraphs and sub-subparagraphs. So, if the paragraphs are in lowercase letters like “(a)”, this of course would force the subparagraphs back to numerical, like “(1)”  as in 172.101(a)(1).

“THERE’S A HUGE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BEING EXCEPTED FROM SUBPART “A”, THEN FROM SUB-SUB-SUBPARAGRAPH (A)”                                                                   

Here’s where it gets tricky for me, because the sub-subparagraphs do not return to alphabetical, but convert to Roman numerals, like “(i)”. This would leave the sub-sub-subparagraphs to be capital letters, like the letter (A), as in 172.101(a)(1)(i)(A).

I am telling you, if you can count, I mean that you know that the number 2 appears directly after the number 1 and you can sing the alphabet song, you too, could play a part in this dangerous profession.


Movie: TAKEN 

Be Safe!

Robert J. Keegan
Publisher and President
Hazardous Materials Publishing Company
Facebook: Hazmat Rob 

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