Hazardous Materials Publishing
Compliance with the Federal Regulations requires the use of reference materials, labels, placards, shipping papers, and manifests. Hazardous Materials Publishing carries everything you need for total compliance.
The 2018/2019 Compliance guide with the Emergency Response Guidebook contains the most up-to- date mandatory regulations covering the activities of all HAZMAT/WASTE Employees and Employers engaged in any activity, taking place in any location involving hazardous materials, chemicals, substances or wastes.
This is the only available Compliance Guide that provides all the critical interfacing DOT/EPA/OSHA Hazard Communication and Compliance requirements for Hazardous Materials, Chemicals, Substances and Wastes.
Now Complete with over 40 pages of training and compliance examples illustrating various regulatory requirements.
Including: The Hazardous Waste E-Manifest Survival Guide plus the EPA Generator Improvements Rule
1 Copy $80.00 each
2 Copies $78.00 each
11+ Copies $74.00 each