EPA Method 23—Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans From Stationary Sources
40 CFR Parts 60, 63, and 266
FR 85 pages 2234-2277
EPA Method 23—Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans From Stationary Sources
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: This action proposes editorial and technical revisions to the Environmental Protection Agency’s
Method 23 (Determination of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans from Stationary Sources). Proposed revisions include incorporating isotope dilution for quantifying all target compounds and changing the method quality control from the current prescriptive format to a more flexible performance based approach with specified performance criteria. We are also proposing revisions that will expand the list of target compounds of Method 23 to include polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). The proposed revisions will improve the accuracy of Method 23 and will provide flexibility to stack testers and analytical laboratories who measure semivolatile organic compounds (SVOC) from stationary sources while ensuring that the stack testing community can consistently implement the method across emissions sources and facilities.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before March 16, 2020.